Best Weight Loss Exercise

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So, you’re on a health kick and want to know what the best weight loss exercise is. Because then you can improve the quality of your training. And as a result achieve your goals faster without wasting valuable energy and time on all the rubbish stuff!   Best Weight Loss Exercise Now, us humans all...

Best Bodyweight Exercise Workout to Build Muscle

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Firstly, time efficient workouts for busy people are critical more than ever! To feel energised, strong, fit, and alert is key to enhance productivity further. Looking great always comes as a by product of consistency so smart planning is required from the off.

Self Consciousness around Exercise

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Self consciousness was the epitome of me in a gym five years ago desperate to feel in place. But I didn’t ever seem to be comfortable in my own skin in any gym. And now that I look back, it makes sense because I was guessing my way through training, attending a random range of...

How many Calories Maintain Weight

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You have probably arrived here to find out how many calories maintain weight after a recent dieting period. And it is a very smart question. Because it is what will allow you to maintain your results with ease and to feel and perform at your very best every single day going forward. But this question...

Exercise on anxiety

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The benefits of exercise on anxiety can be life changing, in my case and for many of our clients too. You know, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, fatigue, worry, a lack of focus and becoming light headed are all feelings that would restrict me at work every day. And it can come in various...

Cardio for weight Loss?

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I do hours of cardio for weight loss each day! No matter how much I do, zero weight loss results. Energy Balance You can’t out move a poor diet no matter how much cardio for weight loss you do. Too much cardio in some cases can actually increase your appetite and oppose your weight loss...

Fitness Journey: Why You Should Never Compare Yourself to Social Media

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If your fitness journey is determined by your starting point and your personal end goal, why is it so easy to compare yourself to fitness models on Instagram? Sometimes you might not even realise you do it, and you’re not alone. We have had an interesting discussion about this topic at Body Reach HQ and...

Training Programme – Is it Sustainable?

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There’s no questions about it, sticking to a training programme can be tough. You miss a couple of sessions, which turns into a couple of weeks which can turn into a couple of months. Well we’re here to tell you that this is completely normal. We all have busy lives, a family, a job etc…...

Do I Need A Gym?

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Do I Need A Gym? As a Personal Trainer of a decade I can say that i believe this is a key topic to discuss (most people believe that it’s gym or nothing) and one that holds people back, sometimes forever! In my many years of training whether it be for sport or ‘body’building I...

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