First and foremost, bodyweight exercise has become so important since the pandemic. Especially learning how to build muscle when training at home. And it made many think “do I actually need a gym to achieve my goals”? Because today many now have their own garage/home gyms for the money it saves, convenience it brings and the time that it saves. In addition, people continue to get into amazing shape with basic equipment like a barbell or even bodyweight exercise only! Unfortunately, exercise is often at the bottom of our to do lists but it deserves more attention.


Carrying on, exercise makes us feel energized, strong and fit. As well as enhancing; work productivity, family time, health and happiness. Which make our lives much more enjoyable as a whole! And any form of exercise can create this affect. But getting stronger and building muscle is THE best thing you could ever do for your body and confidence! Because it makes us literally more prepared and capable at taking on all aspects of life. Including less chance of; injury, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes. Can you build muscle without equipment? You bet! In fact, if you choose the right bodyweight exercise variations it’s very challenging. Whilst at the same time very rewarding in regards to muscle building success.


Bodyweight Exercise Anywhere!


30-60 minute muscle building routines can be incorporated into your day upon waking, on your lunch break or after work! And from literally anywhere. But it’s important to develop structure and routine ASAP. Because success comes not from killing yourself but from training moderately hard on a consistent basis. In addition, exercise improves our alertness which in turn creates better quality and quantity of work throughout the year. For this reason tell your boss to cut you some slack and let you pop to the gym on your lunch break or get an office session done! They can thank us for your productivity later!


You can send your boss to the American Council on Exercise. Which shows that when we exercise blood flow is increased to the brain. And this is due to a protein referred to as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Consequently, this boosts our brain and work productivity! So, a good investment by your boss would be to allow lunch time workouts which would create a team of genius’s!


Other Aspects that Boost Best Bodyweight Exercise Muscle Building Journeys

Although simple, take the stairs instead of the elevator or go on a brisk walk in your break. Basically, to improve your productivity, health and body fat percentage take as many opportunities as you can to move! Due to the pandemic we all truly know the importance of health. And that it not only hugely enhances our daily lives but also extends them considerably too. Consequently, when we are healthy we have a stronger immune system to fight off viruses!


Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to prepare your busy office days with a bodyweight exercise time efficient workout.


Bodyweight Exercise Muscle Building is even better with Dumbbells

If you wish to further enhance your home/office training experience order a pair of dumbbells for around £20-30 off Amazon or your local Facebook Marketplace. If they are too expensive online you can visit a local Decathlon Store. And always keep the dumbbells in sight so that you don’t forget to use them! Anyway, this workout will take you 30-40 minutes. And a super set is where you combine 2 exercises together with minimal rest (10-20 seconds rest between). Once you have completed both exercises you can then take a 30-45 second breather.


Bodyweight Exercise Workout Instructions

If you’re new to exercise complete 2 sets on each super set in the first week. If you aren’t as new to exercise complete 3 sets per exercise. In addition, complete 5-30 reps on each and avoid training too close to failure especially upon starting. So, save 1-2 reps in the tank before you feel you are going to fall face first basically. This is known as reps in reserve (RIR). By week 4-5 you might only have 1 RIR whereas in week 1 you may have 3-4 RIR.


Top Tip

Track your reps achieved on your mobile phone notes app. This way you can get extra motivation from seeing improvement or trying to beat the previous weeks effort.

Your Simple but Effective Workout to Build Muscle at Home


Super set 1

A. Decline Press Ups

For the easier version take away the deficit and place your knees on a stairwell. Initially you may get less range of motion.


B. Table Rows

Over time you will increase range of motion but for now get as much as you can.


Super set 2

A. Pistol Squats


B. A Press Ups


Super set 3

A. Close Grip Press Ups


B. V ups


Super set 4

A. Door Frame Leaning Bicep Curls


B. Chair Dips

Fully straighten the arms at the top and try not to let the legs help at all.


Let us know how this bodyweight exercise muscle building workout goes!?


Lastly, visit our home page for more information on our coaching services!

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